Saturday, February 5, 2011

Boycott #1 Monsanto

#1 Boycott Monsanto

You may ask, why boycott Monsanto on a political blog. Monsanto is dumbing down America and through the use of GM seeds, and their other products creating monumental health hazards that will stress American budgets and health care costs.

Monsanto makes: Roundup, Nutra Sweet, Equal, Aspartame, GD Searle Pharmaceuticals.

Genetically modified corn and alfalfa are just a the beginning. 2/3rds of grocery items are now GM modified. When I moved to Panama, the first thing I noticed was the food tasted fantastic. That's because I was used to "dead" cardboard American food. I've added things like real butter, real cream and my first blood test here showed a vast improvement in cholesterol and triglyceride readings, with normal blood pressure. I hope you join me in boycotting Monsanto and all of their products. They deserve to be #1 boycott.

Demand that congress require GM Genetically Modified on every product using genetical modified plants. Congress really wants to protect you with: TSA, The Patriot Act, the Military Comisson Act, HR 645, demand that they really protect YOU not MONSANTO.

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